Yesterday was eight full weeks (fifty-six days) that Shawn has been in the hospital. The first five weeks were in Los Angeles & the past three weeks here at Craig Hospital in Denver.
My Dad wants to have a “Praise Blog Post” today with some of the many points regarding our thankfulness to the Lord.
1) Father, we are first & foremost extremely grateful to you for your Son Jesus Christ-without a personal love relationship with Him nothing in this life makes much sense.
2) Thank you God for sparring Shawn’s life & giving him a 2nd chance.
3) Thank you Lord for competent doctors, nurses, tech’s, therapists, assistants & other staff that make hospital’s so effective.
4) Thank you Father for the prayers of hundreds & hundreds of people for Shawn.
5) Thank you Lord for hearing all those prayers & showing us your glory daily in Shawn’s improvement.
6) Thank you Jesus for directing us to Craig Hospital & making the opportunity for treatment here possible.
7) Thank you God for the three blessed weeks thus far at Craig Hospital.
8) Thank you Lord that our adopted son Peter lives in Denver & we (Snickers too) are blessed to be able to stay with him at his home.
9) Thank you Jesus that our family is able to be with Shawn during this journey (many family’s have only one person with their family member that’s a patient).
10) Thank you Lord for your daily love, mercy & grace as we experience this journey we call life. Would you please continue praying for Shawn? The day-to-day challenges at times are difficult-so your prayers are extremely important for Shawn (us too) during this time. We praise God for His Shalom (complete peace) to us. This experience with Shawn is a special blessing to him and our family. We praise God that He loves us so much to allow us to experience this challenge & encounter His amazing love to us in a new way. We praise the Lord that He is “our perfect peace.” Numbers 6:24-26 YHWH (God) bless you and keep you. YHWH make His face shine upon you & be gracious to you. YHWH lift up His face upon you and give you SHALOM. In the name of Yeshua haMashiyach Sar Shalom-the Prince of Peace