Hi. Been a good couple days. Shawn has been moving his arms a lot and squeezing my hand. It's not when asked but it means he's trying to figure everything out. He got a fever which usually means he has something wrong but it went away last night. We're just getting...
We Are Accepted
"Good News...Praise the Lord" Shawn has been accepted into the TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) therapeutic program at Craig Hospital in Denver, Colorado. Our family will be relocating there for the period of Shawn's rehabilitation & therapy. It appears that Shawn...
Chair Time
Today has been a good day. Shawn has been in his chair most of the day and very alert. He is kind of starting to move his head when he hears you talking to him in that direction to look at you a well as his left hand and left leg move at times when he seems to be...
Restful and Relaxing
Saturday, July 27th "Day 25" Shawn had a restful & relaxing day. Please continue to pray for him. This coming Wednesday (7/31)a medical evaluator from a top brain therapy hospital in the U.S. will come to evaluate Shawn & determine if he's a good candidate for...
Another Positive Day
Today (Friday) was another positive & encouraging day. Shawn was placed in a chair (which he thoroughly enjoys) so that he could sit for 4 or 5 hours. Today while sitting, his attending neurologist was impressed with Shawn's responses. He was able to again smile...
Night 23
Shawn has been in the hospital 23 nights. The first 18 nights were in ICU, the last 5 in a status level just below that. His condition is still being classified the same, that he's in a coma, although the attending neurologist saw Shawn giggle at one of my jokes...

Hello. Today was a bit of a set back day. We found out that that he has a virus that is resistant to all antibiotics. This is a virus that is happens more with a person with a trach. So they are trying to find out what's best for him to fight the virus. He also has...

All Laughs and Giggles
Got to finally see Shawn today since my cold is gone and it was by far the best day we've had. Our cousins and aunt came to visit Shawn today and it was great. He is still in a coma but he can hear us and will smile and giggle like we love to hear and about stuff only...

Quiet Days
It's been a couple of quiet days for Shawn. He remains in a coma, but there are times during the day that he'll show signs of improvement. Besides smiling at times & the special laugh we enjoyed...Shawn will on occasion lift one of his legs off the bed, lift or...

I still am not able to see Shawn since I still have a virus but what my parents have told me is that It was a quiet day for Shawn. He continues to show some small improvement, but he needs lots & lots of prayer. The doctors say they are cautiously optimistic he...